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⇒ [PDF] Free Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss

Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss

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Download PDF Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss

A Biblical Response to One of the Greatest Deceptions of Our Day. This one-of-a-kind DVD series presents a Christian response to radical environmentalism.

Features 4 DVDs containing 12 30-minute teaching sessions designed for your church, small group, family, classroom, and Sunday school. Also includes a bonus documentary and digital discussion guide.

Learn how the Bible powerfully confronts environmental fears and how - in God's wise design - people and nature can thrive together.

Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss

Great book......smooth transaction! Thanks!!

Product details

  • File Size 3791 KB
  • Print Length 313 pages
  • Publisher Cornwall Alliance; 2 edition (November 13, 2012)
  • Publication Date November 13, 2012
  • Language English

Read Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss

Tags : Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death - Kindle edition by James Wanliss. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death.,ebook,James Wanliss,Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death,Cornwall Alliance,RELIGION General,SCIENCE Environmental Science
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Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss Reviews

Information is well researched and laid out carefully for the viewer to understand. This video series will arm you with information necessary to understand and disarm green activists.
Excellent Book. Dr. Wanliss dissects and dispels the lies and deceptions of the so-called "Green Movement".
I just wanted to say kudos's to the 5 star writers. The only thing I would like to add to these excellently written reviews is don't forget this world does have an expiration date! God can use any means He wants to end it. I found nothing in this book unbiblical or unresearched. I could not agree more that the church has lost it focus, between politics and the environment no one bothers to evangelize. The green movement is very dangerous from the little, single individual to a little, single individual business to single, small countries. It it bankrupting them all. It's all about the money. This movement will not stop cruel people from being cruel. What it does do is tell our children is that if their "carbon footprint" is too big they would be better off killing themselves [there are even websites that tell you how to figure this out and then how to kill yourself if you are a "bad one"]. It has even given the government more ways to be "big brother". There are a couple of states now experimenting with computer chips on trash cans and if your garbage isn't separated just so and placed in just the right spot on the curb you are fined hundreds of dollars [I think its Ohio]. It causes more pollution to recycle than not. It is most definitely a religion and it puts a greater value on the something other than man who was created in God's image , [nothing but man was created in God's image]. Of course we are to be good stewards, that goes without saying, but let us keep balance. The green movement is a major political topic and no one gives moral issues anywhere near the same weight. That alone should be a wake up call. I for one am so sick of seeing commercials on animals and hardly any about the abused children right here in our own country [not to mention all the ones around the world]. There is something wrong with that. I love animals and have several but lets get real. How much better could this country be if we cared as much about the children of this country. There is hardly a day go by that I don't read an article about a child who was murdered by their own parents and the sad thing is that they get less jail time than if those same people had killed a dog in the same manner. I don't expect non Christians to agree but please Christians--WAKE UP!
A thorough, thoughtful, biblical, scientific, balanced, grounded, hopeful, humanitarian treatment of a critical issue without the often-polarizing spins and leaps of logic so common in both the so-called 'scientific' and 'theological' treatments. A must-read for world-citizens wishing to live responsibly in community, and wanting to be informed in pursuing that by our Creator.
Excellent overview of how the environment movement will effect
Everyone of us. It should be resisted!
My review is limited to the lecture on the DVD and does not address the book by Wanliss that came along with it. I was mostly intersted in the DVD series when I made my purchase. Wanliss' book is not a printed copy of the lectures but represent his own analysis of similar issues, organized differently than the lectures, so it is not the best companion to the DVDs of the same title.

This series has some excellent lectures, especially the introductory one by Beisner, Hayward on environmental myths and exaggerations, Legates on Global Warming, Tonkowich on how environmentalism hurts the poor, and Yoest on the pro-death agenda that environmentalism ends up promoting by its population control policies that include abortion and a negative view of people as parasites. But the lectures are highly uneven. Some are hard to follow, either due to accents (British Jones, Indian Mangalwadi) and/or content that was not clearly laid out. One by a politician (Dunlap) contributed little new if one heard the other lectures and so should have been omitted. One by Farris rightly points out that our kids are indoctrinated in environmental by schools and the media, but he came across as a rant that simply assumes what what he was trying to prove (that the radical environmental movement is a devilish Green Dragon) and uses fairy tales like Disney Pocahontas to make a point about Pantheism being taught kids via-a-vis environmentalism. Those who enjoy the Christian fiction of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien with lots of magical beings may well think this alarmist--the supernatural, animistic elements not being intended to be taken literally--even if he as a point that the presentation is pantheistic. This rant is counterproductive to those who lean to a positive take on the environmentalist movement who will find that lecture not very good and be inclined to stop listening to the series. Beisner's worries about a global government coming out of environmentalism also strikes me as alarmist, even if it is an unrealistic pipe-dream of the radicals. The .pdf Bible study guide for small groups that comes along with the lectures is also of mixed quality. I was considering using it for my small group, but have decided against it due to its uneven quality.

In sum, the thesis of the series that radical environmentalism is in some ways anti-Christian (either pantheisitic or atheistic), often alarmist and based on bad science, often immoral especially in its consequences to the poor of the third world and its anti-human population control philosophy are all valid arguments. But being five years old, the series now need updating. The weaker lectures allow me to give the DVD no more that three stars. Had some of the weaker lectures been omitted I could have given it a four or a five star rating.
This book had some good insights but the author's style was, for me, rather repetitive and also kind of draggy. Also, I think he at times threw the baby out with the bath water because even though believers are to "have dominion" over the earth we should do so in such a way that we honor our God Who created it. Sometimes we are not good stewards and I seemed to get the impression at times that he painted with a broad brush that believers are mostly good stewards. Such a view would tend to negate our examining ourselves as we should.
Great book......smooth transaction! Thanks!!
Ebook PDF Resisting the Green Dragon Dominion Not Death 2 James Wanliss

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