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⇒ [PDF] On The Neurobiology of Sin edition by Lazar Puhalo Religion Spirituality eBooks

On The Neurobiology of Sin edition by Lazar Puhalo Religion Spirituality eBooks

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Download PDF On The Neurobiology of Sin  edition by Lazar Puhalo Religion  Spirituality eBooks

A study of the neurobiological underpinning of constructs considered to be sin in the Christian Church

On The Neurobiology of Sin edition by Lazar Puhalo Religion Spirituality eBooks

It’s a very well thought out book that shows science and orthodoxy and work hand in hand and expand our understanding of the universe God created. It’s mainly for priests, but it is very useful for lay people and how they understand mental illness and how we should treat others.

Product details

  • File Size 2867 KB
  • Print Length 176 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN 1536861669
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Synaxis Press; 2 edition (March 6, 2017)
  • Publication Date March 6, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B06XGN9L68

Read On The Neurobiology of Sin  edition by Lazar Puhalo Religion  Spirituality eBooks

Tags : On The Neurobiology of Sin - Kindle edition by Lazar Puhalo. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Lazar Puhalo,On The Neurobiology of Sin,Synaxis Press,Religion Christian Education Adult,Science Life Sciences Neuroscience
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On The Neurobiology of Sin edition by Lazar Puhalo Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

"Unfortunately the secular spirit of the world has also entered many Orthodox communities, because there are people who are channelling Orthodoxy through a secular channel and souls are not guided towards the patristic spirit of Grace. I am seeing an anti-patristic spirit prevailing nowadays; they do not accept that which is good, and patristic - that is, they do not live patristically but instead, they flatten all the spiritual heights that are in the name of obedience and the excising of one's personal will, and they obey their respective secular wills. That way, they no longer make any progress, because they have invited temptation - the secular spirit - We have no right to interpret God's commandments the way they suit us, nor do we have the right to present Orthodoxy the way we want. It is one thing to acknowledge our weaknesses and humbly ask for God's mercy; but for me, the greatest evil is that there are those who regard the secular spirit as "progress", when they should perceive it as a fall and should be vomiting it in order to be cleansed spiritually, so that the Holy Spirit will come quickly. It is the Holy Spirit Who sanctifies, informs and supports souls."

From Words of Elder Paisios the Athonite [translated]

''Those of us who have dealt with sufferers from schizophrenia are well aware that in a florid state, these people can be hyper spiritual, and sometimes can be quite convincing and even sound wise and patristic. Indeed, I have seen some evidence that those who go to Mount Athos and other monastic enclaves return with their spiritual agendas having been set by a florid schizophrenic who appeared to be an Elder''

From The Neurobiology of sin - the defrocked ROCOR deacon Ronald Haler (aka "Lazar Puhalo")

A number of excellent books have come out in recent years which deal with mental illness, and the Church's role in healing a person. Unfortunately, although unsurprisingly this pamphlet by the defrocked ROCOR deacon, Haler-Puhalo does not qualify as one of them. Whilst books such as Orthodox Psychotherapy by His Eminence, Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos look at the Church as a spiritual hospital, and its role in curing a sick soul, Haler-Puhalo's work takes the opposite approach one that focuses almost entirely on the human body (and the functioning of the mind in particular), and focuses almost next to nothing on the illness and cure for the soul. As Metropolitan Hierotheos writes `We know from the Orthodox Tradition that there are passions of the body and passions of the soul. Since there is unity between soul and body, there is also a relationship between the passions of soul and body. The passions of the soul work through the bodily senses. When the soul is released from the body, it cannot satisfy its passions. Ungratified passions produce intolerable pain and a suffocating condition. They stifle the soul. This is the real hell and a frightful affliction. For this reason the holy Fathers advise us to cleanse our souls from the passions while we are in the present life, so that the soul may be released and freed after its departure. It should be satisfied and attracted to God Himself.'

As such, any stable, right thinking Orthodox theologian would focus on the healing of the soul and the eradicating of the passions as a means to healing the body, rather than focusing solely on the human brain which disintegrates at death - but sadly not in Mr Haler - Puhalo's case where his characteristic arrogance, haughtiness and disdain towards others manifests very strongly throughout. In this work, he cites examples of incidents where priests have erred, and where he feels that intervention from qualified health care professionals was required (this is a recurring theme throughout). Of course, one could take the opposite approach and look at how much damage health care professionals have wrought on their patients. I would strongly urge anyone who takes the point that psychologists always have their patients' best interest at heart at face value, to read the book "Madness, Heresy, and the Rumor of Angels The Revolt Against the Mental Health System" by Dr Seth Farber, a Phd - qualified Psychologist. That book looks at just how much damage so-called mental health care professionals, in cahoots with greedy pharmaceutical companies, have wrought on their patients - people whose lives have been completely destroyed when they should have been given appropriate help. (It will make you think very carefully before approaching any so-called professional). To err is human, and just as there are some very good Spiritual Fathers so too are there some very good health care professionals, and the opposite side of the coin also rings true, so to constantly harp on about the damage that clergy have done, whilst pimping the mental health care profession is simply disingenuous. Furthermore, he claims that 'often clergy have not been trained to spot the signs of mental health problems.'' Sadly, that same judgement would ring true of Mr Haler-Puhalo and his own strange beliefs.

Of course, no work of this pompous man would be complete without a discussion breaking down the boundaries on human sexuality. He writes `We once had an Old Calendarist Greek priest remark sorrowfully that he had a very pious altar boy who had been unable to receive Communion for three whole years because he could not get through an entire year without masturbating at least once (the boy had just turned 16). Aside from being a bit shocked at the naivety of the priest, I asked, "But did you ever ask him the important question about masturbation?" "There is no question. It is a horrible, dirty sin," he replied. "No, no, there is a very important question. You must always ask if the young person is having violent fantasies while masturbating. Violent fantasies or fantasies of degradation. In fact, I think these are the only questions a priest should ask in such a case...[T]his priest could not even understand what I was suggesting'' Seriously!?! I have to admit I also can't understand what he is strangely suggesting. Sexual self-abuse is a mortal sin to be avoided at all costs. A person's age does not detract from that fact. Lust begets anger, and anger begets lust - the two passions go arm in arm, therefore it's a superfluous question to be asking in any event. Both need to be confessed and repented of. Ironically, he goes on to discuss how he `counsels' married men who are addicted to pornography to install net nanny - and forget the password...(that'll teach `em). Perhaps if men learnt to abstain from a young age, then these problems wouldn't manifest themselves later in life.

He goes on to discuss homosexuality and later transsexuality. In the case of the latter he sets out why he believes it is people's brains that are `wired' in determining their genders etc.; and not what they appear to physically be. He cites the example of Caster Semenya, the South African athlete whose issues were clearly physical but then tries to extend these to those who think that their gender is the opposite to what they physically are. Father John Whiteford smacked him down on this issue, setting forth the Church's teachings on the issue - the Church does not object to people such as Caster Semenya having corrective surgery for clear physical problems, but this does not extend to those who believe they should be a different gender from the one God has given them.

"Unproven hypotheses are given as facts, and our children believe that people evolved from monkeys, and monkeys from fish or plants. Parents often helplessly throw up their hands before this rampant onslaught of atheist propaganda, not knowing how to protect their children from it...Today young people are instilled with contempt for traditional values, being told that these values are out of fashion and have outlived their time. The ideals of chastity, marital fidelity, and procreation have become unpopular instead is preached free love, the rights of sexual minorities, abortion, and contraception. To the universal triumph of hedonism and individualism there is only one answer – and that is the answer of religion. Contrary to all these new trends, it proclaims that man is neither a monkey nor a beast; that he should not live to satisfy his carnal lusts, but for higher ideals, for he is created in the image and likeness of God. And today the task of all Christians should be to remind the world of eternal truths and the imperishable values that will never become obsolete, but will always remain relevant''

- Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes
and clever in their own sight.

Isaiah 520-21
Ronald Haler, the defrocked ROCOR deacon a.k.a. "Lazar Puhalo" has spent a lifetime trying to fool people into believing that he is some kind of intellectual. He is not a neurobiologist or any other kind of scientist. "Lazar Puhalo" has been forbidden to speak on the subject of homosexuality and transsexualism by the Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church of America.
Full of quotes from the Church Fathers and modern science, this book is an extremely important read for any member of the clergy or lay person struggling with mental illness.
Was very pleased to read this informed and well written book. Written especially for priests but invaluable for
lay people to know about dealing with others who may be different than yourself. Very pleased that a number of other
books by Archbishop Lazar Buhalo are available though .
It’s a very well thought out book that shows science and orthodoxy and work hand in hand and expand our understanding of the universe God created. It’s mainly for priests, but it is very useful for lay people and how they understand mental illness and how we should treat others.
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